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Why You Need Travel Insurance

Trip InsuranceMany travel products are non-refundable: the best airline and cruise deals usually come with few options if you can't actually make the trip. Last week, the airline joyfully booked your flight. This week, it declared bankruptcy. Last month, you reserved space on a cruise to the Caribbean. A few weeks later, a close loved one became critically ill.

Travel insurance was made to protect your travel investment in such situations.



Possession Loss

You've heard it before, but it bears repeating: leave your valuables at home! But sometimes, an expensive camera or formal suit needed on the trip becomes lost or stolen. Your homeowner's policy may cover only a portion of the total.

Common Carrier
Bankruptcy Protection

What if your airline recently ceased operations? Many airlines will try to find space available, but what happens if they can't meet your needs, and the original airline cannot refund the cost of your tickets?

Terrorist Incidents

September 11 has taught us that anything could happen to disrupt travel. If your planned holiday is disrupted by an unforeseen terrorist incident, is there help minimize the financial loss that you may incur.

Medical/Dental Coverage

Does your health insurance cover you in another country or continent? Some offer only partial coverage that could leave you liable for a big portion of the bill. Along with medical and dental benefits, also provides coverage for transportation home.



Trip Interruption/Cancellation

Unforseen events beyond our control can influence travel plans. Do you want to protect your pre-paid trip costs for an interrupted or canceled trip?


Rental Vehicle Coverage

Local rental contracts may have very high rates for collision or damage to the rental vehicle. Coverage may be purchased through tripinsurance.